Pet Care & News

Our hay:

Our Hay is grown in the cotswolds, using specially selected species of grass and a unique process to ensure the best quality. It is green, fragrant, nutritious, balanced in minerals, and free of harmful spores. Here on the farm we have rabbits and guinea pigs, but it’s also good for Chinchillas, Degus, Tortoises. 


Rabbits need at least one bundle of good quality hay that's as big as they are every day! A healthy diet for your rabbit should have large amounts of high fibre food - ideally broken down as 80% grass hay, 10% veggies, 5% healthy pellets, and 0 to 5% healthy treats. Grass hays are best because they are high in fibre but lower in protein and calcium. It is important that they always have access to fresh water.

A proper diet with enough hay is necessary because it helps to maintain their gut health and dental health. A rabbit's front teeth can grow up to 12cm a year, so it’s important that they have food which wears their teeth down as they grow. 

Hay also encourages natural behaviors such as foraging and grazing, which may diminish boredom, increase activity, and provide a sense of security.

Our Rabbit Recommendation: Timothy Hay or Cotswold Sweet Hay

Guinea pigs:

Guinea pigs are very active animals sleeping for only 4 hours a day. They naturally graze and should have a supply of hay and/or fresh grass to graze on - They should be supplied a bundle of good quality hay around 1.5-2 times their size every day! Enough hay is important as it maintains their gut health and teeth (Guinea pigs also have teeth that continually grow). Eye poke is often a worry with Guinea pigs as they like to nest and burrow in hay as well as eat is so softer hays are recommended as a general rule. 

Guinea pigs need a high fibre diet supplemented with vitamin C, as they lack the enzyme needed to synthesise vitamin C and can only store it for short periods. Similar to rabbits, their diet should be broken down as 80% grass hay, 10% veggies, 5% healthy pellets, and 0 to 5% healthy treats. Guinea Pigs also eat their own poo as it allows them to fully digest the fibre in their food. It is important that they always have access to fresh water.

Our Guinea Pig Recommendation: Cotswold Sweet or Silky Soft


Chinchillas are nocturnal but spend long periods of the night eating. They eat by sitting on their hind legs and holding the food in their front paws. Chinchillas need a high fibre diet - so just like guinea pigs they need a constant supply of high quality hay (it makes up around 90% of their diet) and they eat their droppings to fully absorb the fibre in food. Hay helps to maintain their gut health, constantly growing teeth. They should also have a small number of grass based chinchilla pellets daily and can be fed small amounts of dried fruit and root vegetables as a treat.  It is also important that they have constant access to fresh water.

Our Chinchilla Recommendation: Timothy Hay


Degus are some of the only rodents that are awake during the day - social and curious they make a great pet. They require a high fibre diet so should have constant access to high quality hay. Like Guinea Pigs and Chinchillas they eat their droppings to fully absorb the fibre in their food. Pellets without molasses should be supplied, and some low sugar fruits and vegetables. This is because degus are prone to type 2 diabetes. It is also important that they have constant access to fresh water.

Our Degu Recommendation: Cotswold Sweet Hay


The diet for a tortoise varies depending on what species of tortoise you have. Generally the diet should be low in fats and protein, rich in minerals and vitamins, and high in fibre. As a high fibre diet is required, high quality hay is necessary. Their diet should also contain a mix of fresh vegetables and some fruit.

Tortoises should also be supplied with a cuttlebone, a calcium additive and a suitable mineral and vitamin supplement added to the food every day. It is also important that they have constant access to fresh water.

Visit our online hay shop to buy top quality hay for your little friends. 

Our Tortoise Recommendation: BALED Cotswold Sweet or Silky Soft